Android security
Malware onslaught: Android platform, Windows users phenomenon has been known for many years that has occurred. I recently, as I'll show you "need to be concerned about the security BYOD trend is slow., Perhaps? Would you Yes" article, Android devices are being targeted at an alarming rate. Because he predicts that this year, the threat of malware on Android this security researchers and analysts some security, Android apps high risk of more than one million would get into a company, in fact, growing quickly are.
Two main factors leading to the decimation of the Android landscape this:
1. Popularity of Android.
2. Open source code.
I'm afraid that it's true. Are also popular and the open nature of Android, Undo.
And low-hanging fruit large attack surface, such as source code that is exposed like that: nuclear proliferation and malware authors are looking for two things quarry.
Source code of Windows, but not published, Windows, the attack surface of the huge machine picking and had a lot of fruit hanging low security vulnerabilities ripe. Source code and exposed foundation popularity of sheer Android, the Linux familiar, easy prey it to bent these in order to create for the users several million innocent, the chaos of software-based become.
The Infonetics, conducted a survey covering the mobile security company, found that
• 1/3 of the respondents about forgiveness BYOD.
• I have said more than 2/3 of a "rogue" devices, and has been promoting a new approach to mobile security.
• March 4, above, said they had been purchased by the study, or a mobile security software.
• Almost all companies, major security incident occurs in 2015.
the number one factor that companies are using to base the purchase of mobile security solutions on their own is the cost.
I can "preach" in this topic for the moment and maybe write an editorial.
If the threat of security has been raising awareness of you, why is the number one cost factor of your decision? I must look carefully as the security of the front door cost, seriously, to you, you know that there is not a region of some other, you will need to cut corners in security to security " Before cheap "go, you need to cut out the fluff and benefits seat boxed in corporate travel to meetings catered lunch, Las Vegas, private jets, sports and other events, perhaps.
Security is not the place to become penny wise and pound foolish.
I have resigned from my soapbox, and [OK].
One simple thing for the Mobile Security is that it requires you who will attach to the corporate network through the SSL VPN. Communication between the device and the corporate network is encrypted, VPN is guaranteed not to be compromised. In general, VPN software is included in some of the free and mobile platforms.
Some interesting results about malware and security breaches were obtained in a recent survey of the international police organization and some of the Verizon RISK team has conducted are:
• 98% of all violations have been supplied from the outside.
• 4% only of security breaches has been linked to internal employees.
• 58% of data theft is associated with a group "hacktivist".
• have included some form of hacking is 81% of the infringement.
• 69% is incorporated with malware.
• 79% of victims were targets of opportunity.
• 96% of the attack was not a very difficult thing.
• 94% of data breach a server that is involved.
• 85% took more than a week of infringement is found.
• 92% of the incident was discovered by a third party.
• 97% was possible avoidance of infringement through simple or intermediate controls.
Victim's target of 96% • PCI DSS had not achieved compliance.
It wants to draw your attention to the statistics that I have said. "69% of malware has been built" more than 2/3 of the attack launched by the current use of some form of malware I mean that. In other words, is not a small bit of information. Spyware and viruses, worms, Trojan horses, is making its way to the device of your company: it means the malware is malicious software that can take many forms.
In other interesting statistics, "92% of the incident, was discoved by a third party" is that that you should consider. Third parties, such as service engineer security consultants, software vendors, hardware vendors and such before anyone in your company has to find a violation. In addition, 85%, related to the infringement took more than a few weeks until the discovery.
The threat is real. However, it is not a threat in itself, it has been stolen is the real data, the actual data is discarded, the actual cost will affect your business.
If you have to make your company BYOD, we have security measures in place immediately. Leading security consultants hired, I will check the status of your current. Chances are very good that your data has been compromised already. If it has, there is a need to know.
All devices that are also connected to your network, it is necessary to check for malware and compromise. I need to convince that there is a real problem at hand is that the numbers you gave me. That the user can pull the application, Android devices are particularly vulnerable to malware infection on the number of applications store from there. Google There are many other play that is not reliable.
You must have a mobile phone security software instructions App store location is allowed. You also need to install the software on their Android device users to check the malware. In addition, the user is a good idea to encrypt your Android device.
Here is your bucket list of things to do in order to prevent security breaches:
• Setup MDM / MAM manages the security of mobile devices and software.
• You must have a VPN connection for all devices.
• I will ask for a password for the device.
• Require device encryption.
• You must have anti-malware software.
• Implement and firewall ACL.
• Data audit file.
• set up warning on the log file.
This list will reduce the risk of attack by 90% over your exposure. You will not be able to remove the threat of compromise of all, you can reduce your risk to a more comfortable level, certainly.
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